Blood circulation
resolves all problemsOver 95% of all diseases are from the blood circulation issue. This would be a natural principle of the four phases of life : birth, aging, sickness, and death
The importance of blood
If the blood is circulated well, the lymph would circulate well.
Moreover, the hormone and the immune system would find their balance,
ultimately resulting in the recovery of the chronic diseases. -
The healthy blood Vessel
For a blood to circulate well, the blood composition is important but mostly,
healthy blood vessel is very important.If we figuratively compare the blood vessel as the road network,
the veins and arteries would be express highways; whereas,
venule and arterioles would be the national highways,
and capillaries as the street alleys.Therefore, if we say that blood is circulated well, there’re no issue
with the blood composition and blood vessel.
As we age, we live with problems related
to the blood circulation issues. -
What should be done to recover the capillary,
which is around 95,000 Km in length?

Even if you consume good, healthy foods and supplements, if there’s an issue with the blood (vehicle) and/or the vessel (road), what would happen?
The capillary that functions
and get ill and this becomes
‘the primary cause of the blood circulation disorder’.
as a road weakens as you age
What would be the ways
to enhance the health
of the blood and vessel
to improve the overall blood circulation?

You’d need to consider various things such as regularly exercising that’s suitable to your body, and managing your stress well, getting sufficient sleep, and setting the healthy eating habits suitable for your body.
However, if you are already used to the bad lifestyle habits, becoming older and/or are suffering from the chronic diseases, it would take a long time to revert back to have a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it would be necessary to look into other alternative options to recover.
We would look further into a special method to strengthen the capillaries and enhance the blood circulation without any side-effects.
Acknowledged field of study through long years of research and clinical trials
Whole-body Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy
Photobiomodulationhas been known as an advanced treatment method that has been entered as a major keyword for the future treatment method on the National Institute of Health’s MeSH from December, 2016.
Physiological mechanism of PBM is that it strengthens the weakened capillary
to enhance its elasticity and result in better circulation
Whole-body Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy
PBMT (Photobiomodulation)
Optimized tech for Photobiomodulation treatment applied
100% made in Korea
Photon Intensity
Spectral Irradiance
Operating Output
Blood Circulation,
Capillary Restoration -
Cell Restoration,
Elasticity enhancement -
Mitochondria -
ATP Synthesis,
Nitric Oxide (NO) production -
hormonal balance -
Increase body